Window in Southwest Florida

Ways to Get a Homeowners Insurance Discount in Fort Myers, Florida

The area covering Fort Myers, Florida has a high risk of hurricane strikes and because of this situation, the home insurance rates skyrocket that even exceeded the rates applied to the other areas of the State. 
The home insurance becomes expensive because the probability of the rampage of a hurricane is high. This means that insurance companies will be spending more money to address the insurance claims of the insured. 
However, there are approaches to observe in order to get hold of the insurance discounts and these are as follow:

Combine your coverage

This strategy is a common engagement because when the homeowners decided to get hold of home insurance, they would usually opt to get auto insurance as well from the same insurance company to enjoy the discounted rate. This approach is beneficial to both the insurance company and the insured because, under the purview of the insured, he gets a lesser price through the application of an insurance discount in contrast to the idea of buying two (2) insurances separately. On the other hand, and under the purview of the company, it closes two (2) insurance sales.

Install locks or surveillance features

When homeowners install locks and surveillance systems in their residential homes, the possibility of burglary, thief, and robbery is reduced. When this happens, the risk of loss is mitigated and the insurance company benefits. In return, the company extends an insurance discount to the insured. 

Raise your deductible

When we speak about a deductible, it refers to the amount you pay for your health care services each year before your health insurance begins to pay. The lower a plan’s deductible will entail a higher the premium. That means, you will pay more each month and this will make your plan to start sharing the costs sooner and to effect, you will be able to reach your deductible faster.

Having a monitored fire alarm system or other fire safety measures

Basically, these devices will hinder the serious damage of your property because the loss will promptly be resolved due to the timely attention by reason of the alarm system and safety measures. As a result, the insurance company will only have a lesser risk. With this approach, insurance companies provide insurance discounts to the insured. 

Getting an impact-resistant roof

This move will result in less damage to the roofing system of the residential home during the rampage of the hurricane because the impact-resistant roof can withstand the velocity of the storm. To this end, the risk of loss is likewise being mitigated and the insurance companies are being benefited. Insurance discounts are thereafter offered to the insured.

Have a wind mitigation inspection

The act of undertaking the wind mitigation inspection is a step to ensure that your residential home does not have the factors to aggravate the damage to be caused by the hurricane in case it strikes. This inspection will provide the utmost recommendation as to what actions to be undertaken to make sure that the wind brought along by the storm will not damage your home that easily. Insurance companies offer insurance discounts to reward this move. 

Invest in water shutoff devices

When you install a sensor that will activate in case of water leak in the pipes, the integrated shutoff valve will automatically close and prevent additional water flow that will result in your home or appliance damage. The insurance companies will also offer discounts for this gesture.

Install hurricane shutters and impact glass

When homeowners opt to install high impact windows, impact doors, and hurricane shutters, the insurance companies provide for a discounted policy rate. Why? Because the company’s risk is reduced due to the presence of the installed protective mechanisms. 

If you are in dire need to get the impact windows, doors, and hurricane shutters products, you may contact Guardian Hurricane Protection because we have a wide array of impact windows and doors as well as hurricane shutters. Our products are durable and high-quality and for more information, you may visit the following links:

High impact windows are built with an inter layer sealed in between two layers of glass which also makes break – ins a bit more difficult to occur. Most burglaries point of entry is through a broken window. These windows are tough to break!

Guardian Hurricane Protection only uses the best materials to manufacture our shutters, our products are tested and approved to exceed current Florida Building Codes, ASTM and Miami-Dade protocols.

For more information, you may visit our official website at

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