Screens Protection

Why Should We Invest in Hurricane Fabric Screens Protection

Hurricane season is approaching fast. Lessons learned and don’t be caught off guard. Now is the time to invest for your protection and security of your personal estates or business investments, before the hurricane strikes and will cost you a fortune…again!

When we speak of hurricane safeguards, you will oftentimes encounter impact windows and hurricane shutters. Even though those are the two most well -known types of hurricane protection, another approved procedure for keeping your home secure and safe during a hurricane is hurricane fabric screens. 

Hurricane fabric screens surpass the tough Miami-Dade requirements and provide you the protection that other systems failed to meet. Hurricane fabric screens shield wind-driven rain and flying debris from penetrating your home. They are perfect for protecting greater openings which include lanais, balconies, storefronts, and entryways. Hurricane fabric screens that qualify the Miami-Dade requirements are huge missile impact and wind pressure tested up to 276 miles per hour. 

Although hurricane fabric screens are easy and simple to install and deploy, it is highly recommended that professional and expert individuals of our Service Offices should do the initial installation and setup.

Fabric Screens Protections are an authorized Armor Screen and AHT Roll Screen Service Offices.


Armor hurricane screens are easy to spread out, light in weight and strong. Additionally, hurricane screens are translucent, and in times of a storm, you’ll still be able to witness the outside whereabouts. Hurricane screens are a friendly cost option when you’re looking to protect a large space, like carports, walkways, and lanais. Here are some additional benefits of Armor hurricane screens:

First, in line, all armor screen systems are Miami-Dade and Florida Building Code approved, custom manufactured and designed with PTFE Thread and impervious to ultraviolet radiation. It has a buckle and strap system that is transparent and easy to install. It is considered to be lightweight, unbelievably strong, maximum 24” on center anchor spacing and tested to 195 PSF (equivalent to 276 MPH). It has an availability most versatile system with zippers available that can be combined with other armor screen systems and earth and paver anchors availability.

Additionally, it possesses hurricane protection that is transparent, easy to install, lightweight and unbelievably strong. It can strategically place barriers for wind, rain, and missile protection including all building openings and outdoor areas such as carports, walkways, porches, and balconies. Likewise ensure versatile anchoring with unobtrusive and/or removable anchors, screen color, roll-ups, or tracks. Armor screen system does not require anchoring on all screen perimeters like other systems. 

For AHT Roll Screen, modernized design with a no more friction problem caused by the old design of other screens.

Other features and benefits includes:

Hurry up now and avail our Fabric Screens Protection solutions before hurricane season comes. Either as a home front investment or a business-related one, a priceless saving grace decision for everyone that you would not regret for a long time. Contact us today at Guardian Hurricane Protection at 239-438-4732 / 239-237-1448 for faster response, we also FREE CONSULTATION at, for any additional queries about fabric screens protection solutions, or any window replacement, entry doors, sliding doors, french doors, and hurricane shutters.   

You can check us out at for more details and services.  for more details and services.